Gerard’s Embrace annual fundraiser set for Sept. 17 By Tracy Ouellette SLN Staff Gerard’s Embrace will have its second annual Fun Day at the Farm fundraiser from noon to 5 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 17, at Healey’s Wholesome Haven, W1838 St. Peters Road, East Troy. The event will feature […]
East Troy
News from the East Troy area
Bluegrass on the square
East Troy’s Bluegrass Festival is back for 24th year The sounds of bluegrass music will once again fill the East Troy Village Square this weekend when Bluegrass Festival returns Saturday and Sunday. The annual event is celebrating its 24th anniversary this year with a weekend lineup that includes two of […]
Dining al fresco in East Troy
Village Board considers allowing outdoor café seating on the square By Tracy Ouellette Editor The East Troy Village Board discussed the idea of allowing businesses on the village square to use sidewalk space for café seating and dining at Monday night’s Committee of the Whole meeting. In a move to […]
Fixing the dam problem
DNR requires repairs to East Troy Dam By Tracy Ouellette SLN Staff In the wake of the historic flooding of July 12 and the overtopping of the East Troy Dam, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has informed the Village of East Troy it either has to repair the dam […]
Man charged with selling heroin, meth in East Troy
A warrant was issued Aug. 24 for the arrest of a Racine man charged with selling meth and heroin in East Troy. Jeffrey R. Barr, 30, was charged Aug. 24 in Walworth County Circuit Court with three counts of delivering methamphetamine and delivering heroin, all second and subsequent offenses. According […]
Village Board moves forward with sign project
Ad hoc committee appointed to work on new signage By Tracy Ouellette SLN Staff The East Troy Village Board appointed an ad hoc committee to null out the details of the new signs the board wants to put at the village’s gateways. Deputy Clerk Lorri Alexander has been working on […]
Making memories
Burn Camp gives burn-injured kids a week of fun, support By Lisa Smith Correspondent Everybody at Burn Camp has a different story, but one thing unites this special group of summer campers – they are survivors. These courageous kids and adults want to continue living their lives as best as […]
Police chiefs warn, ‘Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over’
By Tracy Ouellette SLN Staff The Town and Village of East Troy police departments are participating in the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign Aug. 18 to Sept. 30. Drive Sober Or Get Pulled Over is a national enforcement campaign aimed at reducing alcohol-related crashes, which killed 143 people […]
Rolling into town
Second annual VIPER Ride to make halfway stop in East Troy By Meghan Griffin Correspondent The VIPER Ride will stop in East Troy at the Village Hall, 2015 Energy Drive, on Sunday, Aug. 20. The ride allows blind and visually impaired veterans to experience over 100 miles of road via […]
Village working with Bielinski to fix Lake Bluff roads
By Tracy Ouellette SLN Staff Village of East Troy Department of Public Works Director Jason Equitz said he met with representatives of Bielinski Homes the afternoon of Aug. 7 to get the roads in the Lake Bluff subdivision fixed. At Village Board meeting later that night, Village Trustee Matt Johnson […]