East Troy

News from the East Troy area

East Troy

This week in the East Troy News…

The East Troy Community School District has released it’s revamped curriculum, read how the teachers and administration worked on the new standards in this week’s newspaper. Also in the News/Times, the Village of East Troy and Bielinski Homes have agreed on a timeline and process to repair the roads in […]

East Troy

Come on in, the door’s open

Chief of police, deputy settle into new positions By Tracy Ouellette SLN Staff The new police chief and deputy chief in the Village of East Troy are busy getting accustomed to their new roles, but still found time to answer a few questions about who they are and what they […]

East Troy

Getting a new look

High school student designs library’s new logo By Tracy Ouellette SLN Staff The East Troy Lions Public Library has been revamping its website and as part of the project, graphic arts students from East Troy High School were invited to design and submit a logo for the library. High school […]

East Troy

Time to make a dam decision?

Village Board has one month to decide on grant application By Tracy Ouellette SLN staff Even though the Village of East Troy has been granted an extension to repair or remove the East Troy Dam, the Village Board was informed at its Jan. 15 meeting, it will need to make […]

East Troy

This week in the East Troy News…

With the grant application deadline looming to request Department of Natural Resources money to assist with either the repair or removal of the East Troy Dam, the Village Board had a tough decision to make. Read about this and other local news in this week’s edition of the East Troy […]

East Troy

Restoring the prairie

Area families committed to preserving their fen By Tracy Ouellette SLN Staff Two families who live on the Pickerel Lake Fen in the East Troy area are working hard to restore the land to its pre-settlement condition and recently donated large property easements to a land conservation organization to ensure […]