Off the Square Players open season with radio play The year is 1938. The cost of a gallon of gas is 10 cents. Franklin D. Roosevelt is president. The primary medium of entertainment is the radio, and it caused panic in the eastern United States after listeners mistook a fictional […]
East Troy
News from the East Troy area
Homecoming at East Troy High
East Troy High School will spend the week of Sept. 23 to 27 celebrating the 2019 Homecoming. Students will participate in Spirit Week activities all week long. The Homecoming Parade steps off from the high school at 1:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 27. The 2019 Homecoming theme is “High School Musical” […]
Mukwonago’s annual Fall Fest returns Saturday
The Mukwonago Area Chamber of Commerce’s annual Fall Fest ushers in autumn throughout the downtown area from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 21. The village-wide event features shopping and restaurant specials, crafters, vendors, petting zoo, live music, chili cook off, pumpkin decorating, pony rides, police and fire […]
‘Beautiful Humans – Portrait Moments’ opens Saturday
Good Earth Church of the Divine’s autumn art exhibit at Michael Fields The Good Earth Church of the Divine is having an opening repetition for its autumn exhibit from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 21, in the Big Brown Barn at Michael Fields Agricultural Institute, W2493 Highway ES, East […]
Enjoy a ‘Second Helping’
St. James community meal brings people together By Tracy Ouellette SLN Staff In a world with modern technology that keeps everyone connected through the internet, there sometimes exists a dichotomy of disconnection from everyday life. The paradox is not lost on the organizers of the Second Helpings monthly supper at […]
East Troy Village Board looks at improvements on the square
By Tracy Ouellette SLN Staff The East Troy Village Board considered options for improvements to sidewalks and traffic patterns on the Village Square at the Aug. 26 Committee of the Whole meeting. Department of Public Works Director Jason Equitz told the board the county’s 2021 plan to redo Highway ES […]
Bluegrass Festival returns for 26th year
East Troy hosts annual music fest Sept. 7 and 8 The East Troy Bluegrass Festival is celebrating its 26th year with a weekend lineup that once again includes two of the industry’s biggest names. The Day 1 lineup will feature bluegrass music star David Davis and his Warrior River Boys. […]
Burn Camp celebrates 25th anniversary
Kids enjoy a week of fun, friendship and support By Lisa Smith Correspondent Every year, Camp Timber-lee in East Troy hosts a camp like no other summer camp. The remarkable program promotes healing, peer support and living beyond the life-altering injuries these children endure. For 25 years now, hundreds of […]
Free airplane rides for kids
East Troy airport to host Young Eagles Rally Saturday EAA Chapter 18 Milwaukee will have a Young Eagles Rally from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 24, at East Troy Municipal Airport, during which kids age 8 to 17 can experience aviation through free airplane rides. The rally is […]
Women on a mission
Mother-daughter team spends vacation volunteering By Tracy Ouellette SLN Staff When it came time to decide how she wanted to spend her last summer at home before heading off to college, Rachel Bottum, of East Troy, wanted to do something new and different. “Roughly half-way through my senior year I […]