By Jennifer Eisenbart EDITOR It’s not too often someone gets to brag they graduated from college before they graduated from high school. And yet, thanks to a commitment from the Elkhorn Area School District, Anna Rebarchik got to call herself a graduate of Gateway Technical College before […]
Author: Jennifer Eisenbart
Garden Walk set for Saturday
The River Church will sponsor the annual Garden Walk Saturday, June 25, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cost is $10. Proceeds from the event will benefit Feeding Fifty. Garden maps and tickets will be at Saturdays on the Square in Veterans Park in Elkhorn Saturday, with pickup from 8:30-11 […]
UWW honors past, present grads at commencement
By Tom Ganser CORRESPONDENT The spring 2022 commencement ceremonies for the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater May 14 celebrated the accomplishments of its graduates for the first time since 2019. The morning ceremony recognized 713 undergraduate students and 134 graduate students from the College of Arts and Communication and the […]
Elkhorn’s Dean Wilson left large mark on the world
By Travis Pipes CONTRIBUTOR A towering front of gray clouds swept in from the west, stopping short of the football field at Elkhorn Area High School, on a dreary, late spring evening May 21. Hundreds of people shuffled into the stands there, a small table, microphone and stand […]
Back again, hotel on Lake Beulah tabled
By Jennifer Eisenbart Editor After a lengthy public hearing at the Walworth County Zoning Agency May 19 – a hearing that included legal representation on both sides of the issue – the CZA tabled a decision on a hotel on Lake Beulah in East Troy. The issue was tabled and […]
Hospitality academy permit is denied
By Jennifer Eisenbart Editor A proposed hospitality academy, set to be placed on the former Inspiration Ministries retreat property in Walworth Township, was denied a conditional use permit after three months worth of discussion May 19. At the March meeting, the Walworth County Zoning Agency tabled a decision until after […]
Dean Wilson remembered as winning coach, mentor
By Jennifer Eisenbart EDITOR If there was one person in the world who always seemed to have time for everyone, it was Elkhorn’s Dean Wilson. A coach, a teacher and finally an athletic director before his retirement in 2015, Wilson died May 10, at Aurora Lakeland Medical […]
Town of Delavan has new clerk
By Michael S. Hoey CORRESPONDENT The Town of Delavan Board has appointed a new clerk to replace Kristy McChristy, who resigned effective April 30. Former clerk Dixie Bernsteen was appointed by the Board as interim clerk on May 9. Michele Starin officially began her duties on May 23 and was […]
New high school principal confirmed
The Whitewater Unified School District School Board approved the hiring of the new Whitewater High School Principal, Brent Mansky, earlier this week. Mansky is currently the principal at Williams Bay Middle/High School. The district’s leadership team selected a slate of five potential candidates, and after three panel interviews, […]
Restoration of lakes underway after drawdown
By Dave Fidlin CORRESPONDENT With the winter drawdown and dredging of Cravath and Trippe lakes in the rearview mirror, Whitewater officials are turning their attention toward restorative efforts as warm weather sets in. At a Common Council meeting May 3, Eric Boettcher, parks and recreation director, provided an […]