Author: Heather Ruenz


In this week’s Independent…

Highlights of the March 1 issue of the Elkhorn Independent include: • Players, coaches and parents of the Elks football team step up to help an 11-year-old boy from the area who was injured in a car crash • The Elkhorn Food Pantry keeps its shelves stocked thanks to donations […]


EAHS hosting career education events

Focus includes trades, health care, hospitality and manufacturing By Heather Ruenz SLN staff In an effort to get students more involved in a variety of career-based learning experiences, including youth apprenticeships, co-ops, internships, job shadows, team projects with local businesses, and career panels, Elkhorn Area High School is embarking on […]


Rockin’ it

Back In Black, an AC/DC tribute band, rocks the Activity Center at the Walworth County Fairgrounds Feb. 9, the second concert in the Rock the Barns series. Next on the slate is Strutter, a KISS tribute band, set to take the stage Saturday, March 3. Tickets are $10 in advance […]

Walworth-Fontana area

On display

At the Geneva Lake Arts Foundation’s Winter Art Fair, held Feb. 11 at Pier 290 in Williams Bay, artist Nicole Holder works on a drawing of a dog. For more information about the Foundation visit (Heather Ruenz photo)

Walworth-Fontana area

Searching for the right formula

Fontana School District seeking answers to declining enrollment   By Todd Mishler Copy editor Open enrollment has eased the pain, but decreasing numbers of resident students has continued to pick at the scab that apparently won’t heal anytime soon for Fontana Joint 8 School District. Declining enrollments have forced officials […]