Author: Heather Perkins


Support given

      Gateway Technical College makes a recent donation to New Beginnings/Association for the Prevention of Family Violence. Shown during the check presentation are, from the left: Vicky Wahler, Gateway student support counselor, Theresa Stalzer, APFV senior advocate, Heidi Lloyd, New Beginnings/APFV director, and Tammi Summers, Gateway Dean of Learning Success. […]

Walworth-Fontana area

Supporting the team

      At the Big Foot Wolves’ 18th annual Pig Roast Fundraiser, held Aug. 18 in Toynton Park in Walworth, Josh Farence (from the left) and Dennis Vanderbloom serve food to guests including Linda Cole, who was visiting from Tennessee. For more about the team visit (Penny Gruetzmacher photo)


Referendum spending needs clarified

By Michael S. Hoey Correspondent The Delavan-Darien School Board approved placing a referendum question on the November ballot at its Aug. 13 meeting. The question will ask for $2.8 million over four years on a non-recurring basis for operational expenses. The failure of the district to get a referendum passed […]


Funds for respite care

The Whitewater Dementia Friendly Community Initiative received a $600 grant from the Whitewater Community Foundation to purchase supplies for its Rockin’ Respite site and to make elder care boxes to share with the library. These boxes will contain activities for a partner so the other can make dinner, do laundry […]


Lutherdale growing leaps and bounds

Staff house added, lodge and conference center slated next year By Heather Ruenz SLN staff Lutherdale Ministries, which is located on Lauderdale Lakes north of Elkhorn and open throughout the year, is in the midst of a growth spurt. This summer, a 1,800 square foot staff house is being built […]