Author: Heather Perkins


‘A warm blanket from a warm heart’

WSD’s National Honor Society supports domestic violence victims By Heather Ruenz Staff writer The Wisconsin School for the Deaf National Honor Society Chapter recently sponsored a community service project to give support to victims of domestic violence. With the financial backing of Thrivent Financial in Fond du Lac, the school’s […]



Lois Ann Nyman (Zimmerman), 93, of Whitewater, passed away May 23, 2019, at Fairhaven in Whitewater. She was born March 23, 1926, in New Glarus, the daughter of the late John C. and Anna Katharina “Katie” (Zweifel) Zimmerman. She married Lyle D. Nyman on Jan. 15, 1947, at St. Mark’s […]

Walworth-Fontana area

Special ceremony

      In honor of the addition of 200 more names to the Veterans Memorial in Sharon, American Legion Post 130 held a rededication ceremony May 18. There, members of the Legion Auxiliary (above) led those present in the singing of the National Anthem. The ceremony featured several guest speakers including […]