Magic? No, it’s science

ScienceNight to feature more than 55 exhibits

All elementary school students in the Whitewater Unified School District – and their families – are invited to attend ScienceNight 2014 at Whitewater High School from 6 to 8 p.m., Wednesday, March 19.

The science teachers of Whitewater High School, in conjunction with University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Science faculty, have assembled a number of activities and demonstrations for elementary students to experience.

There will be hands-on activities such as making a hovercraft out of a CD, making a flying machine out of Styrofoam cups, and making Slime and Goofy Putty.

Others are of a more tasty variety, including: making ice cream and cooking hot dogs by plugging them into a wall socket.

And, of course, some are just for fun, such as the Static machine sure to make your hair stand on end.

There will be more than 55 exhibits in all at the event, presented by Whitewater High School students and parent volunteers.

ScienceNight will be offered free for all elementary students of the Whitewater Unified School District and guests. Parents will likely be just as amazed as their children at the world of science, causing everyone to wonder: is it magic or is it science? Attend next Wednesday’s event and find out the answer firsthand.

Children must be accompanied by an adult. For more information contact Tony Tautges by email at [email protected], or by phone at (262) 472-8135.

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