Walworth County continues to fight and recover from a trying year and, according to Tammy Dunn, Executive Director of the United Way of Walworth County, many are still struggling.
“We have seen an increase in food insecurity, loss of income and housing, declining health, rising substance abuse, violence and unrest. We are also seeing continued strain on the agencies who fight to improve lives in our community,” Dunn said.
On July 9, the United Way of Walworth County issued a total of $120,550 to 42 nonprofit agencies that focus on three building blocks for a stronger community: good health; quality education; and financial stability.
“The community came through, they stepped up. Donations through payroll deduction campaigns, single and corporate donations, event support, all added up to the United Way of Walworth County being able to make these contributions,” said Dunn. “It all happens because of our donors.”
Agencies who applied for and received grants were: AGAPE House; Aurora at Home; Bethel House of Whitewater; Big Brothers Big Sisters; Bloom360 Learning Community; Boys and Girls Club of Walworth County; Catholic Charities; Community Action; Community Coordinated Child Care 4-C; Delavan Food Pantry and Human Concerns; Dementia Friendly Community Initiative; East Troy Family and Community Resource Center; Elkhorn Food Pantry; Geneva Lake Conservancy; Geneva Lakes Family YMCA; Girl Scouts-Badgerland Council; Hope Now, Inc.; Impact 2-1-1; Inspiration Ministries – Inspired Coffee; Join the Movement to Stop Human Trafficking; Kettle Moraine Land Trust; Lake Geneva Food Pantry; Mt. Zion House Food Pantry and House for Men; myTeam Triumph; New Beginnings APFV; New Day Women’s Clinic; Open Arms Free Clinic; Safe Families for Children; Seeds of Hope; Side by Side; SMILES; Spirit of Hope Homeless Shelter; The Salvation Army; Time Is Now To Help; Tree House Child and Family Center; TRIAD of Walworth County; Twin Oaks Shelter; VIP Services; Walworth County Drug and Alcohol Coalition; Walworth County Food and Diaper Bank; Walworth County Housing Authority; Walworth County Literacy Council.
Dunn addressed the group gathered for the check presentation.
“Watching you brave a pandemic is one of the greatest things I’ve witnessed. Ever. There is not one leader here who is more important. We are a team, on one little island called Walworth County,” Dunn said. “It’s no coincidence that the first letters in United Strong spell US.”
More than 98% of all donations to the United Way of Walworth County remain in the county. One and one-half percent is paid in dues to United Way Worldwide bringing programs like SingleCare prescription savings, the 2-1-1 resource line, emergency food and shelter program funding and national corporate donations.
“What we get back from United Way Worldwide far exceeds the amount we pay in dues,” Dunn said.
The United Way of Walworth County fights for good health, a quality education and financial stability for every resident. Donations are distributed to vetted, charitable nonprofits. The United Way of Walworth County also focuses on strengthening partner agencies through collaboration. Live United is the slogan of the United Way.
For more information, visit unitedwaywalworth.org or call 262-374-4474.