Whitewater Kiwanis’ pancake breakfast a drive-thru event
The Whitewater Kiwanis Breakfast Club’s 64th Annual Pancake Breakfast will be on Saturday, May 8, from 6:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. (or until the pancakes run out).
All are invited to bring their appetites and drive through the lot at the Old Armory, 146 W. North Street in downtown Whitewater for the breakfast. No tickets will be sold and people are invited to make contributions – previous tickets were $6 – by donating to Kiwanis and helping children in the Whitewater community.
“We are inviting the community to a drive-by breakfast featuring delicious pancakes and Jones sausage. We ask people to donate what they are able to. All donations will stay in the community to help the children of Whitewater,” Whitewater Kiwanis Breakfast Club President Jean Bromley said.
The breakfast will feature a one-way drive-thru path, with vehicles entering the Armory lot from the westbound lane of North Street. Vehicles will have several stops once in the lot beginning with a greeting followed by an ordering area, money collection stop and food pickup before exiting and making their way back out to North Street.
The pancake breakfast is the major fundraiser for the Kiwanis Whitewater Breakfast Club, which is made up of dedicated volunteers who help children in the Whitewater community and the world, all with 100 percent of funds raised going directly to projects helping improve the lives of children in the community.
Each year, the club distributes approximately $20,000, with more than half of that amount going to the Whitewater Unified School District, including scholarships.
Kiwanis helped to build and maintain the Flowing Well Shelter, the shelter and accessible playground at Starin Park and Treyton’s Field of Dreams, the Whitewater High School football field lights and press box, as well as adopting a highway to clean up.
In addition, the group donates to the Whitewater Youth Soccer Club, the Friends of the Whitewater Aquatic and Fitness Center Family Partnership Fund, the Whitewater Food Pantry, Bethel House and more.
More information can be found on the Whitewater Kiwanis Breakfast Club Facebook page.
“We very much welcome and appreciate donations to help us with our mission of changing the world, one child at a time,” said Bromley.
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.