By Heidi Schulz
Staff Writer
This year marked the 13th annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner With Friends. The event is coordinated by Chris and Patti Marsicano and led by many dedicated volunteers.
The food is all paid for by donations and the turkeys are cooked by many local restaurants including: The Village Supper Club, The Duck Inn, Café Calamari, Hawks View Golf Club and Bella Vita Banquets.
At this year’s event, held Nov. 26, there were 437 meals that were delivered to the Walworth County community. Long time volunteer Brenda Warrenburg coordinates all the delivery routes and many volunteers, including local boy scouts and their families help package and deliver the meals.
At the Community Park building friends and families joined together to share a delicious traditional Thanksgiving dinner. 365 meals were served over the course of the afternoon, bringing the total number of meals served to a record breaking 802 for the day.
Here’s a breakdown of food by the numbers: 44 turkeys, 170 lbs. of ham, 30 gallons of gravy, 11 gallons of cranberry sauce, 250 lbs. of yams, 300 lbs. of mashed potatoes, 250 lbs. of dressing, 120 lbs. of green beans, 50 dozen rolls and 125 pies.