Beginning this week, the final layer of asphalt paving was slated to begin on the Highway 67 road construction project that stretches from Highway 50 just north of Williams Bay, to Elkhorn. The paving schedule is set for a two-week window, weather permitting, according to Matthew Smith, with the Department of Transportation.
“The last and final layer of asphalt will be the riding surface … for many years to come and therefore the placement of it will require more time to place and roll it. Afterward, it will need to cool enough so that traffic does not mar it and put ruts into it,” Smith said.
Because the material is between 200 and 300 degrees it doesn’t cool quickly, according to Smith.
“Traffic is going to have to wait longer, possibly 10 minutes or more, than they did on the lower layer,” he said.
Smith requests that businesses that have access other than Highway 67 direct their employees and customers to use the alternate route(s). For businesses that only have access via Highway 67, Smith said the construction crew will put forth efforts to lessen the amount of time access is restricted.
Drivers area also reminded the message boards are out and flaggers will be instructing drivers to use other access as is appropriate.
“If people coming and going to your businesses know ahead of time it may save everyone time and frustration. This may be a few days per area depending on length between side roads and other conditions,” Smith said.
Following the paving, a number of crews will be working on driveways, shoulders, paint lines, new signs and other safety measures, he said.