Staff house added, lodge and conference center slated next year
By Heather Ruenz
SLN staff
Lutherdale Ministries, which is located on Lauderdale Lakes north of Elkhorn and open throughout the year, is in the midst of a growth spurt.
This summer, a 1,800 square foot staff house is being built and in the works for next year is a 14,000 square foot lodge and conference center. The staff house will be used to house Lutherdale’s program director and his family, according to executive director Jeff Bluhm. While the lodge and conference center won’t be built until next year, the foundation will be put in this fall.
“The main level of the lodge will have 20 guest rooms, a welcome center, a meeting room, a board room, and a conference room with capacity of 135 people. There will be 6,000 square feet on the lower level with two staff apartments and storage areas,” Bluhm said.
He said the lodge will feature modern hotel style sleeping rooms with private baths that will serve adults.
For the rest of the story, including additional details about the lodge and conference center and opportunities to get involved, see the Aug. 23 Elkhorn Independent.