It’s an annual event at Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church in Walworth
By Penny Gruetzmacher
Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church in Walworth held its Annual Chili Dinner March 10, an event that featured chili, silent auction items from community members, organizations and businesses, and plenty of young volunteers on-hand to help attendees.
Items donated included: a carved wooden walking stick from Don Schunk, a half a pig, restaurant gift certificates, jewelry and toys for children. Roughly 20 businesses donated items and in all, there were more than 30 items available for the silent auction.
Community members that donated items, time and helped organize the dinner included the Forsythe, Nordmeyer/Bender and Voss families, Jose Martinez, Rose Haeni and Penny Gruetzmacher.
The meal featured meaty chili, vegetarian chili and hot dogs – with a variety of toppings, corn muffins and a large variety of desserts items including pies made by church members. Chili was also packaged and sold after the meal was finished.
Young people helped elderly community members that attended and also cleared plates and delivered beverages, among other duties.
Two groups performed at the dinner – the 4 Seasons Choir, directed by Rachel West and The Lakehouse Boys (consisting of Peter Kahl and Terry Schaid.)
A freewill offering was accepted. The event benefits the general fund of the church while the silent auction benefits the six youth who will be traveling to Houston, Texas for the 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering.