March 21 fundraiser an opportunity for community to support efforts
By Heather Ruenz
SLN staff
More than 15 years ago, a group of people from the Elkhorn community came together to discuss the needs of residents and realized some critical necessities were not being met.
“It was challenging for local churches to individually be able to help, but they realized as a group they’d be able to do it,” said Mark Weseman, the current president of Hope Now.
The Rev. Scott McLeod, Eleanor Montano and Mary Ellen Wright are credited with starting Hope Now. And in 2004, their idea was realized when the organization was incorporated.
“A group of churches got together to put together food baskets, and during conversation found out each church had people seeking help,” Weseman said.
Read the rest of the story in the March 15 Independent.
A slice of support
Hope Now Inc. of Elkhorn will host a fundraiser from 5 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, March 21, at Pizza Ranch, 28 W. Hidden Trail.
A percentage of the sales and 100 percent of the tips earned during that four-hour period will support Hope Now.
Volunteers from the organization will be on hand during the fundraiser to help clear tables and clean up afterward.
Those interested in helping at the fundraiser should call 262-723-4711 or send a message to HOPE NOW Inc. on Facebook.