By Heather Ruenz
SLN staff
Madison Fishbeck, 8, a second grade student at Tibbets Elementary School, Elkhorn, was one of 12 finalists recently selected for an art publishing website’s “Artist of the Week” competition.
Her teacher, Erin Heiser, regularly submits students’ artwork to the competition but said it’s been four or five years since any of her students’ art has been selected.
“I was so happy Madison’s piece of art was chosen. It’s truly an honor considering millions of pieces are submitted and only a few selected,” Heiser said.
Fishbeck said she and her classmates worked on the project just before Halloween, using chalk on black paper.
“Everybody did pumpkins but I got to pick out the sky and grass colors. And we used glue for the lines on the pumpkins,” Fishbeck said.
She said she was surprised when her mom told her she had won.
“I won a plaque, which I get to bring home, and $50 to spend on art supplies,” Fishbeck said.
Art is her favorite subject and she said she really likes painting and using pastels, adding that she likes “bright colors.”
In addition to art class, she said her other favorite place at school is the library because she enjoys to read and can win prizes for it.
“I can pick out some books and if you do a test on them you earn points. When you get to 20 points you get to pick something out of the treasure chest,” Fishbeck explained.
Her favorite books include: Bailey’s School Kids and Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus.
Fishbeck said she wants to be an artist when she grows up but for now, she enjoys playing with her family’s pets.
“I like to go home and play with the kittens. We have two – Arrow and Simba. Arrow because my sister is in to archery, and Simba because I like The Lion King,” she said, adding the family also has another cat and two dogs, both huskies.
The contest is through the worldwide art publishing website, Artsonia began with a dream that artwork created from kids around the world could be shared and enjoyed by everyone, according to Heiser. Today, due to the passion of thousands of art teachers worldwide, that dream has come true. Currently, there are more than 50 million of pieces of kids’ artwork showcased.
Each week Artsonia selects 12 random art submissions in each of four different age groups (grades PreK-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12) from artwork submitted the previous week. Voting is open to the general public every Wednesday through Saturday, with the winners from each age group being awarded on Sunday.
“Madison’s chalk pastel pumpkins received 1,201 votes throughout the voting period, making it the winner in the PreK-3rd grade category,” Heiser said.
The pieces are from everywhere around the world and the winner is selected based on how many votes their artwork receives.
For winning Fishbeck received a plaque with her Artwork on it, as well as a $100 gift certificate for art supplies for her school and a $50 gift certificate for art supplies for herself.