A preliminary hearing is scheduled for June 23 for a Lake Geneva sex offender found with child pornogra-phy.
David L. Tarlo, 45, was charged June 15 in Walworth County Circuit Court with possession of child pornogra-phy as a repeater and failure to register with the state Sex Offender Registry.
According to the criminal complaint, the state Depart-ment of Justice Division of Criminal Investigations In-ternet Crimes Against Chil-dren Taskforce identified an IP address in Lake Geneva as having uploaded child por-nography. The Time Warner Cable account associated with the IP address was traced to Tarlo’s Cass Street apartment, according to the complaint.
Tarlo was asked whether photo of the 6- to 8-year-old girl with her breasts exposed was among the pictures he uploaded using Chatstep, according to the complaint. Tarlo said that age range “has been my addiction” but said he has viewed so many imag-es, he couldn’t recall whether that was one he’d uploaded, according to the complaint. He said he does not save images, but views them for sexual gratification then de-letes them, according to the complaint.
Tarlo was convicted in Walworth County in 2013 of possession of child pornogra-phy and required to register as a sex offender, which in-cludes a requirement that the use of any email address or websites are reported to the state. Tarlo failed to report the use of the email address or the Chatstep app that he used to access the porno-graphic images to the state, according to the complaint.