School Board faces tough choices to balance budget

Structural deficit, impact needs lead to deep cuts

By Tracy Ouellette

SLN Staff

Anyone who has sat at the kitchen table with a stack of bills and a dwindling bank balance knows the pain of having to make difficult decisions as to where the limited money can go. The East Troy School Board was faced with this challenge at Monday night’s board meeting.

With a projected structural deficit of about $450,000 for the 2017-18 school year and the additional $392,000 of the impact needs suggested by administration, the School Board had the job of cutting $846,000 from the budget.

School District Business Manager Kathy Zwirgzdas presented the board with a proposed budget plan for next year that had a .25 percent revenue increase over this year. She said she based the numbers on several assumptions, including an 8 percent health insurance increase, 5 percent dental insurance increase, 2 percent increase in salaries, a small increase in students open enrolling out, no increase in the revenue limit and no increase in the per pupil aid from the state.

Using those projections, Zwirgzdas arrived at a $450,000 structural deficit.

For the full story, see the April 12 edition of the East Troy Times.

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