Choral Masterwork concert set for Feb. 26

The East Troy Community Choir and East Troy High School choirs will combine forces to present their 12th annual Masterwork Concert. The program will be at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 26, at St. Peter’s Catholic Church in East Troy.

The suggested admission donation is $10 for adults, $7 for seniors and $5 for students.

This year’s featured work is Antonio Vivaldi’s Gloria, a composition that divides the “Glory to God in the Highest” portion of the Catholic Mass into 12 musical sections.  In addition to the two choirs, the work features vocal soloists and is accompanied by a small orchestra.

Each choir will also perform separately. The Community Choir will perform works by contemporary composers, and the high school choirs will sing selections from their Fall and Holiday Concerts.

Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741), a contemporary of Bach and Handel, is best known to audiences today for his instrumental compositions.  His most famous work is The Four Seasons, a set of four violin concertos, each of which musically depicts a season of the year.  Gloria is his most performed choral composition, and its wonderfully sunny nature with its distinctive melodies and rhythms gives it an immediate and universal appeal for both performers and audiences.

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