Watch those speed limits

Township police to enforce speed limits on highways

The Town of East Troy Police Department is conducting a self-initiated High Visibility Speed Enforcement initiative through Feb. 18.

Officers will be paying particular attention to highways ES, J and 20 throughout the township. The goal of traffic enforcement is to change the public’s negative driving behaviors.

“High Visibility Enforcement educates the public on the agency’s traffic enforcement plans with the goal of voluntary compliance from the public,” Town of East Troy Police Chief Don Jensen said. “The more often the public learns of enforcement activities, the more likely the positive driving behaviors become a habit.

“Our officers will be out in force to stop speeders before they kill or injure themselves or an innocent victim. Our officers would much rather issue a ticket for speeding than deliver tragic news to families that a loved one was injured or killed in a speed related crash.”

For more information, contact the Town of East Troy Police Department at (262) 642-3700.

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