LWV’s annual holiday dinner Dec. 4

The League of Women Voters Whitewater Area will hold it’s 2016 League Holiday Dinner at 841 Brewhouse, in Whitewater, Sunday, Dec. 4. Cash bar begins at 5 p.m.; dinner will be served at 5:30 p.m. A special musical presentation by the Whitewater High School Jazz Ensemble, directed by Abigail Pulvermacher, will follow dinner and the program will conclude with the presentation of the League’s 2016 Making Democracy Work award.

The recipient of the award this year is Greg Stewart, social sciences teacher at Whitewater High School, who works with students every day, teaching them the importance of democracy and how it works. An outgrowth of that spirit was shown in 2015 as Stewart coordinated a school-wide contest in which students created public service videos regarding the Voter ID Law and the importance of registering to vote. The winning videos were shown at the state League of Women Voters Convention and the Wisconsin Council of Social Studies Convention in 2016.

Stewart is a member of the Wisconsin Geographic Alliance Steering Committee and recipient of the Wal-mart Teacher of the Year award (2001). He has also encouraged students to create award-winning projects at the state and national level for a number of years.

Community members interested in attending the event can make a reservation by calling League Treasurer Julia Ross at (262) 581-5411 (evenings before 8 p.m.), emailing her at [email protected], or contacting Virginia Laurent at (262) 473-4719 or [email protected]. The deadline for reservations is Nov. 23.

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