Soccer boys draw even

By Chris Bennett


A tie likely never felt so good to the Elkhorn Area High School boys soccer team.

The Elks and Muskego (5-4-8) played to a scoreless draw Oct. 8 in a non-conference match at Muskego on the heels of Elkhorn getting routed 6-0 Oct. 6 in a non-conference match at Hartland against Arrowhead.

The Elks (14-2-1, 7-1 SLC) played Delavan-Darien Tuesday at Delavan-Darien High School in the title match of the Southern Lakes Conference Tournament. Elkhorn opened the SLC Tournament Oct. 4 with a 1-0 victory at Badger.

“The game was pretty evenly matched,” Elkhorn coach BZ Kayser said of the meeting between the Elks and Muskego. “It could have gone either way. A win would have been nice, but it was good for us to have a bounce-back game.”

Arrowhead and Muskego play in the Classic 8 Conference, widely regarded as Wisconsin’s best for prep athletics. Kayser said the Elks had no answer against Arrowhead (14-2).

“That was a buzz saw we ran into,” Kayser said of Arrowhead. “That’s one of the best teams I’ve seen since I’ve been here. They were unbelievable.

“They just killed us. They were stronger than us, faster than us, more skilled than us – we were just shell-shocked.”

Arrowhead plays in the WIAA’s Division 1, with an enrollment of 2,257students. Elkhorn is in Division 2, with an enrollment of 923 students. Muskego, also in Division 1, is at 1,624 students.

“We scheduled these big games for a reason,” Kayser said. “So we can see where we’re at and what we need to do to get better.”

Kayser said both Arrowhead and Muskego played a more physical brand of soccer than the Elks see in the Southern Lakes, and said the Elks slowly adjusted to the more demanding style of play.

Bryant Romero scored in the first half off an assist from Sid Babu in the Elks’ victory against Badger.


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