St. James to celebrate the fall harvest

56th annual rummage sale, festival set for Saturday

St. James United Methodist Church, 2945 Main St., East Troy, is hosting the Fall Harvest Faire from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 8.

The fall rummage sale is celebrating its 56th anniversary and with multiple sales. The church puts a twist on selling rummage where community residents can bring their rummage to the church’s parking lot to sell. There will be a charge of $15 if a table is needed, and $10 to sell items from the trunk of a car.

Call the church office, (262) 642-7642, to reserve a spot. Payment can be made on the day of the sale.

Sellers should arrive by 8 a.m. Food and music will be provided in the parking lot during the selling time.

The Fellowship Hall will have items for sale as well, including handmade cards, themed baskets, house plants, used books, kitchen utensils and knives, knick knacks, leaded glassware, jewelry, vanilla flavoring, and home accessories and decorations.

There will also be pies available, with or without ice cream.

Profits from events like the Fall Harvest Faire help many missions in the community, state and worldwide.

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