St. John’s to erect new steeple

The picture above depicts the current state of St. John’s Lutheran Church, with a computerized drawing of what the new steeple will look like added to the top. The steeple is being added on May 14.
The picture above depicts the current state of St. John’s Lutheran Church, with a computerized drawing of what the new steeple will look like added to the top. The steeple is being added on May 14.

Steeple to be raised in memory of Kelly Amon

By Kellen Olshefski


A generation after the original was destroyed by a tornado, St. John’s Lutheran Church in downtown Elkhorn is raising a new steeple on Thursday, May 14, the latest of many recent improvements made to a structure that was originally built in 1898.

The Rev. Tom De Groot, pastor at St. John’s, said the steeple is a symbol of the revitalization God has blessed the congregation with over the past three years and the hope they intend to share with their neighbors in the years to come.

De Groot said the church has grown in weekly worship attendance spanning all generations, with the largest turnout in recent history during this year’s Easter weekend. In March, the leadership announced plans to begin a search for a full time Children and Family Ministry Director and Pastor to meet the growing needs of the community.

De Groot said the steeple itself has a very special story behind it. More than thirty years ago, lifelong member Doug Amon and his late wife Karen lost their daughter Kelly in a tragic accident. She was only 10-years-old.

De Groot said Mr. Amon owned a milk hauling business, and remembers the days when young Kelly would ride along with him in the milk truck.

“She was always particularly fascinated with silos, because ‘they pointed to God,’” he said.

According to De Groot, the steeple is being erected in memory of young Kelly, and it is the prayer of Doug and his three daughters that it will serve a purpose similar to the silos, “pointing people in Elkhorn and beyond to the hope that is only found in Christ.”

St. John’s is inviting the community to join in a special celebration at both the 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services on Sunday, May 17, with a block party cookout to follow from 11:30am-1:00pm just outside the church (the street will be temporarily closed off). Music, food and activities will be part of the festivities.

Those able are also invited to see the steeple while it is actually being raised on Thursday, May 14 at 8 a.m., weather and conditions permitting. Any last minute changes will be communicated on the church’s Facebook page and website. Fresh coffee will be provided.

De Groot said the project is being managed by Magill Construction of Elkhorn.

St. John’s Lutheran Church is on the corner of West Geneva and South Broad Streets in Downtown Elkhorn, just one block from the square. For more information, call (262) 723-2901 or visit

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