‘You’re looking swell, Dolly!’

Jennifer Mitchell (from left), Stephen Brellenthin, Jessica Shaffer and Jeremiah Fox practice a number from the musical “Hello Dolly” at a recent rehearsal. The Lakeland Players will be presenting the musical May 8-10 and May 15-17.
Jennifer Mitchell (from left), Stephen Brellenthin, Jessica Shaffer and Jeremiah Fox practice a number from the musical “Hello Dolly” at a recent rehearsal. The Lakeland Players will be presenting the musical May 8-10 and May 15-17.

Lakeland Players to present ‘Hello Dolly’ in May

By Kellen Olshefski


The Lakeland Players are gearing up for their performance of the Broadway classic, “Hello Dolly,” to be performed May 8-10 and May 15-17.

Set in New York in the 1890s, “Hello Dolly” follows the story of Dolly Levi, a socialite turned matchmaker.

“Some people paint, some sew … I meddle,” Dolly says in the opening scene of the musical.

Linda Kouzes, publicity chairman for the Lakeland Players, said “Hello, Dolly” is full of memorable songs including “Put On Your Sunday Clothes,” “Ribbons Down My Back,” “Before The Parade Passes By,” “It only Takes A Moment,” and “Hello, Dolly.”

“’Hello, Dolly’ is an irresistible story of the joy of living, glittering with happy songs, shining with loving scenes, alive with one of the personality of one of the most fabulous characters on the musical stage, Dolly Gallagher Levi,” Kouzes said in a press release.

Director and Choreographer David Whitney said they chose the show because it’s very familiar to everyone.

“It’s fun, funny, and has great production numbers and memorable music,” Whitney said via email last week.

“It has a waiters dance routine which is fast and crazy.”

Whitney said he had a 38 people audition for roles in the upcoming production and as all were talented, he chose to use them all. He said is lead cast is very strong, noting Sue Greben, of Fontana, who will be playing Dolly.

“Everyone will love her,” he said.

He said Horace Vandergelder will be played by Donald Patten, Cornelius Hackl by Jeremiah Fox, Barnaby Tucker by Stephen Brellenthin, Irene Molloy by Jessica Shaffer and Minnie Fay by Jennifer Mitchell.

Whitney, who last performed the show 43 years ago in Chicago as one of the dancers and a choreographer, described the show as having a strong chorus and said his music director, Amberleigh Aller, has been wonderful working with the singer.

As for dancers, Whitney said some are former students of his from the Dance Factory, with others coming from Elkhorn’s Toe-to-Toe Ballet, located next door to the theatre, making it easier for dancers to go back forth during rehearsals.

“This is one of the best and friendliest casts I’ve worked with, which will make it a good show,” he said.

Whitney said his set designer, Gene Dahlberg, has done a wonderful job, as usual, creating a staircase easily adapted for two scenes; one at a feed store, another at a fancy restaurant.

Additionally, with the show taking place in the 1890s, Whitney said costumes are a huge part of the performance, and costume designers Elizabeth Armstrong and Leigh Olson have done a great job of creating the look, noting Armstrong designed the red dress Dolly wears in the “Hello Dolly” number.

Finally, taking on both roles as director and choreographer, Whitney said he couldn’t have pulled it off without a little help, noting assistant choreographer Pauline Urso, who has worked with him for all the shows he has done with Lakeland Players, Linda Kouzes, who he said has been great at coaching dialogue with Greben (Dolly) and his accompanist Kathy Middleton.

“I can guarantee Hello Dolly will be a show this community shouldn’t miss,” he said.

Performances will be held May 8-10 and May 15-17 at the Walworth County Performing Arts Center, 15 W. Walworth St., in Elkhorn. on May 8-10 &15-17. Friday and Saturday performances are at 7:30 p.m., with Sunday matinee performances beginning at 3 p.m. All tickets cost $14 and may be reserved by calling (262) 728-5578 or (262) 723-4848, or by ordering on line at lakeland-players.org. Tickets can also be purchased at the Elkhorn Area Chamber Commerce, 203 E. Walworth St.


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