City officials back statewide job creation effort

By Dave Fidlin


Whitewater municipal officials are backing a joint statewide effort, Partnership for Prosperity that is focused on job creation and growth across the state.

Two organizations — the League of Wisconsin Municipalities and the Urban Alliance — have created the PFP agenda, which calls for enhanced dialogue between state lawmakers and municipal officials.

As part of the initiative, the two organizations are encouraging state laws and municipal ordinances that call for holding the line on property taxes, investing in local transportation infrastructure and promoting economic development.

City Manager Cameron Clapper presented the Common Council with a resolution backing the PFP agenda. It was approved unanimously Feb. 17.

In other recent business, the council:

• Approved a contract of up to $20,000 with engineering firm Strand and Associates. The firm will design a ramp at the Downtown Armory building, 146 W. North St. that follows the guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The ramp will replace an existing set of stairs, which are aging;

• Adopted a plan to install a fiber optic cable system at the intersection of Main and Fremont streets. The city is entering into an agreement with the Wisconsin Independent Network to complete the project.

WIN previously installed fiber optic technology along portions of Main Street and Starin Road, the Innovation Center and a select area of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater campus.

As noted in the agreement, WIN covers the cost of installation;

• Approved a plan to purchase a parcel of land at 330 N. Fremont St. The property, adjacent to Starin Park, will likely be used for the municipal water department’s future expansion plans.

The city’s purchase carries a $79,280 price tag.

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