Workshops will discuss Whitewater’s pedestrian plan

The City of Whitewater is in the midst of developing a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan for the community and will hold “Walking Workshops” as the next step in the process.

The city is working with consultants from Alta Planning & Design and the Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin to develop the plan.

Workshops will be held on Tuesday, Oct.16 beginning at 2 p.m. They will focus on identifying barriers that students and parents experience in walking and biking to school.

Walking Workshops

Tuesday, Oct. 16

· LINCS/Middle School, 2 p.m., room 104

LINCS group will transition to the middle school following dismissal at LINCS

· Washington, 2 p.m. cafeteria

The consultants will start at 2 p.m. at both sites by holding an introduction to the process.

The group will then observe dismissals at the schools and walk the neighborhoods with students and parents as they leave school.

The group will convene following this process to discuss remedies and improvements to observed issues and concerns.

“The critical part of the process is having good participation and interest that will create a better plan and possibly make Whitewater eligible for Safe Routes to School Funding that could assist the City and School District in programs and infrastructure improvements that may be identified in this process,” city officials said.

Anyone interested may attend the meetings. For more information, visit

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